Wykłady gościnne: Prof. Willie Burger (University of Pretoria)
The Department of Dutch and South African Studies announces the following Guest Lectures:
Prof. Willie Burger – Head of the Department Afrikaans - University of Pretoria
Prof. Burger is well-known in literary circles in South Africa and can be regarded as an expert on the Afrikaans and South African novel. Prof. Burger's presentations on the Afrikaans writer André P.
Brink's oeuvre and historical writing in South Africa were both insightful and entertaining, and presented students and staff with in-depth and relevant views on modern South African literature.
Prose writing by Karel Schoeman, Dan Sleigh and Jacob Dlamini also featured prominently in his exploration of novelistic approaches to a contested history. Over the past 20 years, Prof Burger has reviewed around 300 books in various dailies and magazines. As an award-winning reviewer, he tries to spread literary research beyond the borders of academia.
Lecture 1: Afrikaans: A contact language and a contact literature (originating from a literature in colonial violence 1650-1900) / Afrikaans: 'n Kontaktaal en 'n kontakletterkunde (ontstaan van 'n
letterkunde in koloniale geweld 1650-1900)
Date: 9 May’24, Time: 11:30 – 13:00, Room: 236
Lecture 2: Denial of multiple contact (Nationalism and Pursuit of European Modernism: 1900-1970) / Ontkenning van veelvuldige kontak (Nasionalisme en strewe na Europese Modernisme: 1900-1970)
Date: 14 May’24, Time: 13:15-14:45, Room: 208
Lecture 3: Hybrid People and Hybrid Language (Challenging Nationalism, Religion, Patriarchy, New Criticism: 1970-2000 / Bastervolk en bastertaal (Uitdaging van nasionalisme, godsdiens,
patriargie, New Criticism: 1970-2000
Date: 15 May’24, Time: 15:00-16:30, Room: 208
Lecture 4: New age, new media, new voices (2000-2024) / Nuwe eeu, nuwe media, nuwe stemme (2000-2024)
Date: 21 May’24, Time: 13:15-14:45, Room: 208
*Lectures will be presented in Afrikaans & English