PSiCL Volume 25 (1990)

Table of Contents

Niels Davidsen-Nielsen (Copenhagen):Auxiliaries in English and Danish. Pages: 5-21. [Pdf]

Włodzimierz Sobkowiak (Poznań):On tongue twisters. Pages: 23-35. [Pdf]

James L. Wyatt (Tallahassee):On derivational and phrasal adverbials of manner. Pages: 37-42. [Pdf]

Przemysław Tajsner (Poznań):Scrambling and phrasal adverbials of manner. Pages: 43-57. [Pdf]

Roman Kopytko (Poznań):Verbs of sensory cognition: A contrastive analysis of a lexical field in the lexicon of Polish and English . Pages: 59-70. [Pdf]

Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (Poznań):Phonastylistics and second language acquisition. Pages: 71-83. [Pdf]

Christian Mair (Innsbruck):A contrastive analysis of object control in English and German. Pages: 85-101. [Pdf]

Bernhard Diensberg (Bonn) and Annette Dell (Wuppertal):The lexical fields BROAD/THICK analysed and compared with their German counterparts BREIT/WEIT/DICK. Pages: 103-129. [Pdf]

Andrei Danchev (Sofia):On the contrastive phonology of the stressed vowels in English andBulgarian. Pages: 131-145. [Pdf]

Piotr Ruszkiewicz (Opole):Aspiration in English and Polish: an overview. Pages: 147-161. [Pdf]

Roman Kopytko (Poznań):The complements of perception verbs in English and Polish. Pages: 163-176. [Pdf]

A.I. Dorodnych and A.P. Martyniuk (Kharkov):Some reflections on ideas and results of feminist linguistics. Pages: 177-182. [Pdf]

Heiner Terborg (West Berlin):On the analysis of modal meanings in spoken German of native speakers and Polish learners. Pages: 183-192. [Pdf]

Leszek Skibniewski (Poznań):The writing processes of advanced foreign language learners in their native and foreign languages: evidence from thinking aloud and behaviour protocols. Pages: 193-202. [Pdf]

Ewa Willim (Cracow):On case marking in Polish . Pages: 203-220. [Pdf]

Richard M. Weist (Fredonia), Aleksandra Kaczmarek and Jolanta Wysocka (Poznań):The function of aspectual configurations in the conversational and narrative discourse of Finnish, Polish, and American children. Pages: 79-106. [Pdf]

James L. Wyatt (Florida):Automatic phonetic transcription of Spanish text: native speaker dialects and foreign speaker simulation. Pages: 219-229. [Pdf]

F. Devos, L. Martens and R. de Muynck (Ghent):Object problems in contrastive analysis. Pages: 21-38. [Pdf]

Rami W. Hamdallah and Hanna Y. Tushyehh (Nablus):A contrastive analysis of selected English and Arabic prepositions. Pages: 181-190. [Pdf]

Wout van Bekkum and Hans Hamburger (Groningen):A contrastive Study of verbal gender in modern Hebrew and modern Russian. Pages: 201-222. [Pdf]

Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk (Poznań):Acquisitional evidence against the phonological syllable . Pages: 17 -30. [Pdf]

Li Chiu Ming and Li Li (Tianjin):A comparison of cleft sentences in English and SHI sentences in Chinese . Pages: 47-60. [Pdf]

Li Chiu Ming and Li Li (Tianjin):Relativization in English and Chinese. Pages: 61-75. [Pdf]

Hussein Abdul-Fattah and Shahir El-Hassan (Irbid):Syntactic errors of Jordanian school children in English: The role of the native language. Pages: 181-204. [Pdf]