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PLM2008 :: 11-14 September 2008

PLM2008 Programme

Below is the programme of PLM2008. Clicking on an author's name will take you to the PDF abstract of that author's paper.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Friday; Saturday; Sunday

9:00-9:15 Opening
9:15-10:15 Plenary session: Steven Small (Chair: Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk)
10:30-11:00 POSTER SESSION I (Convenor: Joanna Pawelczyk)
Anna Balas: Feature economy in vowel variation
Janina Mołczanow: Intervocalic deletion and positional faithfulness in Russian
Marta Rominiecka: Phonostylistic processes as a marker of style-shifting in political discourse
Éva Dékány: On the base-position of Hungarian verbal particles
CLINICAL LINGUISTICS - WORKSHOP SESSION (Convenors: Yishai Tobin & Monika Połczyńska)
Monika Połczyńska, Yishai Tobin & Shimon Sapir: Correlation between vowel centralisation and incomplete stop articulation in individuals with traumatic brain injury
MORPHO-SYNTAX (Chair: Przemysław Tajsner)
Nicola Lampitelli: How the syntactic change interferes on morphology
11:00-11:30 Shimon Sapir, Monika Połczyńska, Yishai Tobin, Lorraine Ramig, Cynthia Fox, Jennifer Spielman, Christopher Dromey, Shawn Nissen & Nelson Roy: Formant centralisation ratio (FCR) as a sensitive metric of vowel undershoot: Comparison with vowel space area (VSA) in impaired versus healthy speakers Isabel Oltra-Massuet: Deriving -ble forms out of unergatives and unaccusatives
11:30-12:00 Coffee break

Anatolij Dorodnych & Anna Kuzio: Gender, culture, and ideology in translation
Magdalena Murawska: Patient imaging in medical case reports
Aleksander Płaczkowski: The ambiguity of some semantic and phonological classifications with reference to English phrasal verbs
Rudolf Reinelt: Social indication: The eighth sieve

Yishai Tobin: Phonology as human behavior: Applying theory to the clinic Michiya Kawai: Verbal morphology, agreement and head movement: Reexamination of Lasnik 1995
12:30-13:00 Sa'da Bader & Dafydd Gibbon: Phonological disorders of Arabic-speaking Jordanian children with speech and language impairments Beata Trawiński: Towards the valuation of PHI-Features
13:00-14:30 Lunch break
14:30-15:30 Plenary session: Michal Starke (Chair: Jacek Witkoś)
15:45-16:15 TEMPLATES IN MORPHO-SYNTAX AND PHONOLOGY - WORKSHOP SESSION (Convenors: Tobias Scheer & Grzegorz Michalski)
Michal Starke: Partial reduplication in Kitharaka: Evidence for copying of a full syntactic tree
Tomohiko Ito, Shinji Fukuda, Suzy E. Fukuda, Kiyoshi Otomo, Hiroshi Fujino & Yuko Yamaguchi: Computational and non-computational aspects of language in Japanese grammatical specific language impairment: A case study SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (Chair: Aleksandra Wach)
Maria Łukasiewicz: Theoretical and psychological foundations of content and language integrated learning. Towards the development of the interlanguage
16:15-16:45 Grzegorz Michalski: The interface and the domain structure in Polish palatalisation and voice assimilation Anna Jelec & Karolina Rataj: Over the bridge: Does bypassing the corpus callosum alleviate the symptoms of dyslexia? Dorota Nowacka: The English language teacher as a communication supporter
16:45-17:15 Coffee break
17:15-17:45   Steven Small: The mirror neuron system and aphasia therapy
17:45-18:15   Monika Połczyńska: Modification and extension of language tests performed during intraoperative electrical stimulation and pre-operative brain mapping methods  
18:15-18:30   Anna Cieślicka, Karolina Rataj, Justyna Małaszuk & Dorota Jaworska: Figurative language impairment in aphasic patients: The effects of the type of figurative trope  
18:45-19:15   Aleksandra Jełowicka, Thomas H. Bak, Joanna Seniów & William Marslen-Wilson: Stem and affix-processing in Polish aphasics  
19:15-19:45   Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro: Phonetically unrealized elements in agrammatism: The case of pro  
19:45-20:15   Marcin Morawski: Idiom comprehension in aphasic populations  

Friday, 12 September 2008

Thursday; Saturday; Sunday

9:00-10:00 Plenary session: Tobias Scheer (Chair: Piotr Gąsiorowski)
10:00-11:00 Plenary session: Roberto Heredia (Chair: Anna Cieślicka)
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
Anna Cieślicka & Roberto R. Heredia: Cerebral asymmetries in context sensitivity during figurative language processing in L1 and L2
NATURAL PHONOLOGY TEACH-IN (Convenor: Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk)
Patricia Donegan: Hypotheses of Natural Phonology I
12:00-12:30 Agnieszka Kujałowicz, Agnieszka Chmiel, Karolina Rataj & Magdalena Bartłomiejczyk: The effect of conference interpreting training on bilingual word production David Stampe: Hypotheses of Natural Phonology II  
12:30-13:00   Question period  
13.00-14.30 Lunch break
14:30-15:00 Katarzyna Bromberek-Dyzman, Anna Ewert & David Singleton: Understanding conversational implicatures in two languages Wolfgang U. Dressler: Natural Phonology as part of Natural Linguistics
COGNITION (Chair: Aleksander Szwedek)
Henryk Kardela: Cognitive grammar as a connectionist alternative? A parametrized account
15:00-15:30 Bogusława Whyatt: Looking into the translating mind – Research methods and future perspectives Miren Lourdes Oñederra: Stampe reader Boriana Vukovska: Body metaphors between universality and culture
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:30 Zofia Wodniecka, Sylvain Moreno, Ellen Bialystok & Claude Alain: Neurological correlates of conflict resolution during sentence processing in bilinguals and monolinguals: Evidence from ERP Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk: NP extension: B&B phonotactics Dwight Holbrook: Inside out: Reversing the roles of outer world and inner perspective
16:30-17:00   General summing-up discussion Konrad Juszczyk: Dialogue between a child and the computer in the process of learning to read. Analysis in joint attention paradigm
17:00-17:30 SOCIOLINGUISTICS (Chair: Joanna Pawelczyk)
Maciej Baranowski: The development of nasal systems for /ae/ and /aw/ in Charleston, South Carolina
Nadja Kerschhofer-Puhalo: Vowel perception in Foreign Language Learning: An empirical study in the framework of Natural Phonology
HISTORIOGRAPHY (Chair: Piotr Gąsiorowski)
Jerzy Bańczerowski: Mikołaj Rudnicki: A forgotten linguistic legacy
17:30-18:00 Błażej Gałkowski: Formulaic language – linguistic, psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives Geoff Schwartz: Auditory representations in Natural Phonology Wiesław Awedyk: Mikołaj Rudnicki’s (1881-1978) not-so-recent ideas
18:00-18:30   Sylwester Jaworski: Inertial and non-inertial lenition processes Camiel Hamans: Language consciousness and deliberate changes
20:00 PARTY

Saturday, 13 September 2008

Thursday; Friday; Sunday

9:30-10:30 Plenary session: Elena Lieven (Chair: Małgorzata Fabiszak)
10:45-11:15 AFRICAN LANGUAGES IN ADVANCE -WORKSHOP SESSION (Convenors: Karien Brits & Aleksandra Cichocka)
DJ Prinsloo & Gertrud Faasz: Noun and verb guessing for automatic POS tagging in Sepedi
DISCOURSES OF IDENTITY - WORKSHOP SESSION (Convenors: Péter Bodor & Małgorzata Fabiszak)
Tadeusz Piotrowski: Proper names as discursive parameters of identity
PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY II (Chair: Jarosław Weckwerth)
Beata Łukaszewicz: How specific are child-specific phonological patterns?
PSYCHOLINGUISTICS (Chair: Agnieszka Kujałowicz)
Magdalena Wrembel & Karolina Rataj: On hearing colours
11:15-11:45 Karien Brits & Rigardt Pretorius: The development of a rule-based lemmatiser for Setswana: The noun Agata Daleszyńska: “You feel good knowing that you are a Bequian”: Language variation and identity on Bequia Beata Łukaszewicz & Bogdan Rozborski: The acoustic grounding of lexical stress in Polish and English: a developmental perspective Filip Smolik: Facilitating sentence comprehension by syntactic priming
11:45-12:15 Coffee break
12:15-12:45 Beata Wójtowicz & Piotr Bański: High-detail reference structures in an electronic dictionary of Swahili Dariusz Galasiński: Identities of failure: Depression and gender identities Marzena Zygis: Insertions from a phonetic and phonological perspective MORPHOLOGY (Chair: Wiesław Awedyk)
Elin Gunleifsen: On the use of possessive markers
12:45-13:15   Joanna Pawelczyk & Agnieszka Kiełkiewicz-Janowiak: Speaker and listener in the construction of identity in discourse: A gender mismatch Iwona Kraska-Szlenk: Correspondence constraints and semantic distance Witold Kieraś: Grammatical complexity of natural languages. The case of morphology
13:15-13:45   Ewa Glapka: Discursive construction and reproduction of gender ideology in the processes of text production and text reception Iwona Kraska-Szlenk & Marzena Zygis: Phonetic effects at the prefix-stem juncture in Polish and its phonological interpretation  
13:45-15:00 Lunch break
15:00-16:00 Plenary session: John Wells (Chair: Włodzimierz Sobkowiak)
16:15-16:45   Péter Bodor: Approaching identity talk and the case of ascribing schizophrenia to Europe and Hungary
PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY II (Chair: Magdalena Wrembel)
Bartłomiej Czaplicki: Functional approaches to metathesis: Evidence from dialects of Polish
Speaker 1: Nikolaus Ritt
Speaker 2: Tobias Scheer
Speaker 3: C.U.C. Ugorji
Speaker 4: Yishai Tobin
16:45-17:15   Kseniya Timko: Discursive construction of migrants’ identity and the image of their Motherland Krzysztof Dyczkowski, Norbert Kordek, Paweł Nowakowski & Krzysztof Stroński: A phonetic grammar of the Polish language
17:15-17:45   Monika Kopytowska: Framing the Other: Media (re)construction of Islam  
17:45-18:15 Coffee break
18:15-18:45   Vincent Tao-Hsun Chang: Cultural consumption and identity politics in advertising: Campaigning discourse of the Beijing Olympics   Speaker 5: Joanna Bugaj
Speaker 6: Dafydd Gibbon
Speaker 7: Piotr Gąsiorowski
Speaker 8: Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk
18:45-19:15   Agnieszka Sowińska: Becoming European: On representations of the EU and its values in the Polish and British press  
Evening Celtic music session in the evening (featuring, inter alia, Michał Jankowski and Diarmuid Johnson)

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Thursday; Friday; Saturday

9:00-10:00 Plenary session: Andrew Breeze (Chair: Sabine Heinz)
10:00-10:30 LANGUAGE AND RELIGIOUS BELIEFS - WORKSHOP SESSION (Convenors: Muhammad-Reza Fakhr-Rohani & Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak)
Muhammad-Reza Fakhr-Rohani: Invocatory duration of vowel for ritualistic effects: Muḥammad and Ḥusayn in Persian Shiite sermons
Kiyoshi Hara: Comparing the language policies and the revitalization process of Celtic languages at the beginning of 21st Century
MORPHO-PHONOLOGY (Chair: Jacob Thaisen)
Laila Kjærbæk, Hans Basbøll, Claus Lambertsen & Sonja Wehberg: Early morphology and recurring sound patterns: Comparing different kinds of data on the acquisition of Danish noun plurals
10:30-11:00 Hans-Georg Wolf: Cultural models of religious belief systems in L2 varieties of English Sabine Heinz: Diminutive formations in modern Welsh/Functions of diminutive formants in Welsh Hans Basbøll: Positions of suffixes in Word Structure: A general model of phonology-morphology interaction applied to Danish
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:00 Daniel Gavin Washburn: Enculturation and the language of religious conversion Karolina Rosiak: On the use of diminutives in Present Day Welsh TYPOLOGY (Chair: Marcin Kilarski)
Christopher Straughn: History vs. theory: The grammaticalization of the Uzbek say complementizers
12:00-12:30 Muhammad-Reza Fakhr-Rohani: Some religiously-charged linguistic labels: Their regulatory functions and effects in Islamic contexts Siôn Rees Williams: Giving the wrong message: An example of erroneous Welsh signage from the private sector Marc Bavant: Proto-Indo-European ergativity... revisited
12:30-13:00 Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak: The cosmogony of Stalinist propaganda in post-war Poland Christina Bismark: ‘Connections is drawn’: Subject-verb agreement in non-standard varieties of English and in the Insular Celtic languages  
13.00-14.30 Lunch break
14:30-15:00   Anna Bloch-Rozmej: Resonance elements in Irish: Licensing and mutual interactions  
15:00-15:30   Maria Bloch-Trojnar: The semantics of Light Verb Constructions in Modern Irish  
15:30-16:00   Bożena Gierek: The Irish language as the first official language in the Republic of Ireland  
16:00-16:30   Diarmuid Johnson: Neo-Irish: An emerging post-traditional idiom?  


Thursday; Friday; Saturday


PLM2008 is partially supported with funds provided by the Linguistics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

PLM2008 is held under the honorary patronage of the Vice-Chancellor of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Prof. Bronisław Marciniak, and the Mayor of the City of Gniezno, Mr Jacek Kowalski.