PSiCL Volume 21 (1986)

Table of Contents

Tomasz P. Krzeszowski (Gdańsk): Prototypes and equivalence. Pages: 5-20. [Pdf]

Arthur Mettinger (Vienna): Comparing the incomparable? English adjectives incomparable and their rendering in Modern Chinese. Pages: 21-29. [Pdf]

Rüdiger Zimmermann (Marburg): Classiflcation and diswtribution of lexical errors in the written work of German learners of English. Pages: 31-40. [Pdf]

Wiesław Awedyk (Poznań): Perception of stressed syllables in natural stimuli: a contrastive English-Polish experimental study. Pages: 41-45. [Pdf]

Robert K. Herbert and Barbara Nykiel-Herbert (Poznań): Explorations in linguistic sexism: a contrastive sketch. Pages: 47-85. [Pdf]

Katarzyna Dziubalska (Poznań): Cyclicity and phonstylistic interference. Pages: 87-92. [Pdf]

Terence McKay (Paderborn): Subject inversion in English, French, Italian and Dutch and empty subjects in German. Pages: 93-100. [Pdf]

Béla Korponay (Debreczen): Postpositions, “part-of-speechness”, negation and other matters. Pages: 101-117. [Pdf]

Laszló Pordany (Budapest): A comparison of some English and Hungarian freezes. Pages: 119-127. [Pdf]

Philip A. Luelsdorff (Regensburg): Processing strategies in. bilingual spellers. Pages: 129-144. [Pdf]

Christian Hougaard (Copenhagen): Danish and Slavic phraseology contributions to an analysis of idiomatics on a contrastive basis. Pages: 145-196. [Pdf]

M. B. Dagut (Haifa): The fact of translation in learning English as a foreign language. Pages: 197-207. [Pdf]